lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

THGM: Management of Planet Earth SHOULD Change of Hands.

Management of Planet Earth
SHOULD Change of Hands


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Management of Planet Earth
SHOULD Change of Hands

Each Region or Nation of Planet Earth is a fraction of Planet Earth, and every fraction of Planet Earth is necessarily, and in various ways, and as for better and / or worse, and naturally, interconnected with other fractions gottenon Planet Earth. However, dominating and powerful Individuals, and are themselves very Great-Bad, working jointly with the huge amount of Pawns-Pimps who are on the payroll, and / or have other different ways, have worked, and continue working, and a wickedly contrived and artificial way, particularly Against Populations and Regions and Latin American and Third World Nations in general;...

...   and so very large part of the millions of people from Latin America and the Third World in general, have been, and still are, Victims of such Individuals referred dominant and very powerful, and they are themselves very Great-Bad, and its huge Grinders-Pimps, and given that this Unfavorable Situation as Malignant and can be Finished with the implementation of "The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program" and being part of the fabric of "The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program" the your recipients interact with the content of the Program, and being part of the contents of "The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program" some few "TASKS" left in it and intended to be made ​​by their readers / Readers (for, among many others more of their own accounts & Investigate what MAY NEED TO KNOW, and themselves inform and Form), as the "TASKS" and "RESEARCH" concerning each of these 150+ issues are discussed below:

1.   Abuse of Power, and by Dominant Position Abuse

2.   Apartheid

3.  Weapons Destruction Masiva1: Atomic Weapons, Chemical, Biological, + etcs.

4.   Weapons Destruction Masiva2: Media Manipulation Dark Brutalization Ignorance Alienation Demagogia Populism Handouts Lie Perjury Corruption;... Systems: 'Political', 'Education', 'Religious' Executive, Legislative, of 'Justice', + Etcs.

5.  Auto-AttacksAuto-Attacks, Auto-Terrorism or False Flag Attacks

6.  Pumps: Atomic, Biological, Phosphorus Incendiary Napalm, Cluster, + Etcs.

7.  Alexandrine Bulls

8.  Caravan death

9.  Caritas

10.  House of Bourbon

11.  House of Habsburg

12.  Casques Blues

13.  Chemtrails

14.  CIA

15.  Club Bilderberg

16.  Club Bohemian Grove Club

17.  Commonwealth

18.  Imperial Vatican Concordat & Nazis (/ Paparrucha Pius XII & Hitler)

19.  Mass Mind Control

20. Consciousness, Unconsciousness, Subconsciousness; Conciencia, Conciencia Cauterizada

21.  Corruption Systems 'Communication', 'Education', 'Religious', judicial, Governmental, Legislative, Agencies 'Control' State Regional, National and Supranational, Firms Public Opinion Surveys, Plans Academics, Teachers or 'Educators'... and finally, Vice Whatever.

22.  International Criminal Court, ICC

23.  Crimes called "False Positives"

24.  Natural Law

25.  Rights the Personality, and Goods the Personality

26.  Enforced Disappearances and Extrajudicial Deaths

27.  Depopulation of Planet Earth

28.  Declassified Documents CIA

29.  Middle Ages, and / or Medieval Ages

30.  The New World Order

31.  Hosts Crusaders

32.  Agent Orange

33.  11S Fraud, or Fraud of 11 September 2001

34.  The Secret World Government

35.  State Elite and Elite National Private

36.  State Elite and Elite Private International, Supranational or

37.  Encyclical "Evangelium Vitae"

38.  Encyclical "Rerum Novarum"

39.  Boland Amendment

40.  Squadsdeath

41.  Slavery Ancient, Medieval Slavery and Modern Slavery

42.  Rule of Law

43.  Bandura Experiment, Milgram Experiment, Experiment Pavlov

44.  False Democracies

45.  Feudalism, and / or Feudal Ages

46.  ​​Fosas, o tumbas, comuneSS

47.  Colina Group

48.  DINA Group

49.  G2 Group

50.  GAL Group

51.  Grupo Los Halcones

52.  State Terrorist Groups, in general

53.  Historythe Catholic Church, Century by Century

54.  History 'Santos'-Catholic, and Manipulations the Church through them

55.  History of the Popes, one by one

56.  Ignorance Supine

57.  Illuminatis, or Iluminatis

58.  British Empire

59.  Spanish Empire

60.  Index of Forbidden Books

61.  Tavistock Institute (Ta-vis-tock)

62.  Intervention of the United States in various parts of the World

63.  The 'Holy' Inquisition (and The 'Holy' Crusades, and the 'Saints' Autos de Fe)

64.  The Secret Agenda or Hidden: 'Policy', 'Education', 'Religious' Social, Economic, Demographic, Monetary, Securities, Corporate, Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Etcs.

65.  The Jeopardy Apparent or Fraudulent

66.  The Criminal Enterprise Joint

67.  School of the Americas

68.  The French School

69.  Farce called or known as "Nuremberg Trials"

70.  The Great Whore

71.  Due Obedience, and 'Due Obedience'

72.  The Black Death

73.  The French Revolution

74.  The Industrial Revolution

75.  Mal-light Wealth Nations (and Multinational Enterprises)

76.  The 'Holy' Crusades (and the 'Holy' Inquisition, and the 'Saints' Autos de Fe)

77.  The 5 Most Terrifying State Dictators hips gotten on the Planet at anytime

78.  Opium Wars (Treaty of Nanking, and Treaty of Tientsin)

79.  Brain Wash

80.  Body Language or Non-Verbal Language

81.  The 'Santos' Autos de Fe (and The 'Holy' Crusades, and the 'Holy' Inquisition)

82.  The 5-Causing Governments of as Many Murders on the Planet

83.  The 5-Gotten Most Corrupt Governments on the Planet at any time

84.  The Essential Purposes of the State

85.  Louis XIV, the Sun King

86.  International Politicking Mafias such as these Big 3 Mafias International Politicking: The International Democrat of Centro, The Organization Democrat ‘Christian’ of America, and The International Union Democrat

87.  Manipulationsthe Press, Radio, Film, Television, Surveys, Etcs.

88.  Mapping Minds

89.  Machiavellianism

90.  Killing the Night San Bartolome

91.  Masonry, Franc-Masonry, and Luciferian Fellowships in general

92.  Media Misinformation, Brutalization, Mackerel, Mass Etcs.

93.  Mass Media Manipulation, and / or Mass Media Mind Control

94.  National-Catholicism

95.  Neocolonialism, Theory Dependency, Intervention

96.  Family Nepotism and Political Nepotism

97.  'Nobility' Spanish, and 'Nobility' European, in general

98.  Military Bishopric

99.  Obstruction The Justice

100. Operation Condor

101. Operation Gladio

102. Operation Peter Pan

103. False Flag Operations, or False Flag

104. Criminal Operations / Luciferian / Satanic generally

105. Catholic Orders, and Congregations-Catholic, in general

106. Organization African Union, UA

107. Organization the European Union, UE

108. Organization the United Nations, UN

109. Organization of American States, OAS

110. Organization North Atlantic Treaty, NATO

111. Secret Army Organization, OAS

112 Tax Havens, Financial Havens, Free Zone Economies Messy, Messy Economies as they are, and it is, Wealth-Unclean Nations

113. Paramilitarism in Colombia and Paramilitarism in various places in the World

114. Perjury, Prevarication, Perfidia, Felony

115. Why "San Pedro", "San Pablo",… but "San Jesus”, "San Moses" is said

116. Pornocracia, or the Reign of Prostitutes

117. Personal Prelaturethe Catholic Church called "Opus Dei"

118. Enrico Fermi Award, and the Enrico Fermi Criminal Science

119.  Prince of Asturias Awards; already Prince Foundation Asturias

120.  Awards 'Journalism' Simon Bolivarand the Awards 'Journalism', generally

121.  Awards Hallucinators / Farsantes / Luciferian / Satanists generally

122.  Superior Accountability Principle (Principle of Responsibility in Superior Chain Military Command, and Responsibility in Superior Chain Government Command)

123.  Problem-Reaction-Solution

124.  Prostitution Nations to Other Nations; and Peoples to their Rulers

125.  Prostitution Powers Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Authorities 'Control' State and Organ 'Control' State

126.  Prostitution Church-State; State-Church and Prostitution  [This is, and other wise: Whenthe Church makes, or has made, Puta ( or pimp ) with the Stateand when the state makes, or has made ​​, Puta ( or pimp ) co n the Church]

127.  Project HAARP

128.  Project Manhattan

129.  Project MK Ultra

130.  Project Paperclip

131.  Criminal Projects / Luciferian / Satanists generally

132.  Who gave the Apostle Peter the Position / Title of "Papa"

133.  Reason of State

134.  Protestant Reformation

135.  Catholic Monarchs

136.  Legal Security

137.  Inner Being, or Inner Self

138.  Assassination of Nations (See, in Internet, for example, Videos of John Perkins)

139.  Enlightenment, or Age illustration

140.  Simony (Simony-Ecclesiastical; and Simony-State, or its equivalent, related, Etcs.)

141.  League of Nations, SN

142.  Secret Societies, in general

143.  Testimony of Former Agents CIA; and Declassified Documents CIA

144.  Testimony of Former Paramilitaries

145.  Torture and State Terrorism

146.  Torture and Terrorism Catholic Church

147.  Influence Peddling

148.  Transculturación, Acculturation, Alienation, Vicente / Vicentino

149.  'Transparency' International

150.  Ecclesiastical Courts

151.  State Satanism and Satanism the Catholic Church

152.  Sale of Indulgences

153.  Vicar of Christ ("Vicar of Christ" is one of many titles as they are called or calls itself the Pope Rogue-Shift)

154.  And in general, I left TASK: INVESTIGATE everything Hieda to Malignancy

Note. Very, very important is to chain or connect issues with others, and even to the case appear to be unconnected or unrelated to each other, because it not necessarily so, and because it is usual if they are connected.

Nowif the reader / Reader of this file "RESEARCH" as corresponding the afore mentioned issues, they take them to other subjects connected therewith, and these others, and these others, and these others, etcs., and then, well, it is possible that the reader / reader of this file for your own "See" there's so much Evil front and concealed, disguised, covert, in this thing and another, and throughout the extent of the Planet Earth ("INVESTIGATE: Run errands to discover something. || Making intellectual and experimental activities so systematic in order to increase knowledge about a certain matter. || Clarify the conduct of certain Cockroaches, Cockroaches as are certain that as such they are shown in the content of this File & Document").

And if the reader / reader of this file "RESEARCH" accordingly the above-mentioned issues, it is also possible that your own "See" this: That he is, and has been, a Unitholder, Buddy, Accomplice, GUILTY feed, maintain, revive, promote, enlarge, aggravate, perpetuate wickedness so that there front and / or disguised, covert, in this that and the other, and the extent of the Planet Earth ("INVESTIGATE: Run errands to discover something. || Make intellectual and experimental activities so systematic in order to increase knowledge about a certain matter. || Clarify the conduct of certain Cockroaches, Cockroaches are as certain as such which are disclosed in the contents of this file & Document").

So, and in other words, doing "Homework" is, truly indispensable to be at least in the way of understanding and / or understand how it is that in reality ("Reality: Real Existence and effective. || Truth of something, what happens really". "In Reality: Yes, certainly"), and for example, have occurred and continue to occur, by Regions, Nations and Planet Earth itself, events or situations that They should not have happened, or should not continue to happen (like much, so much wickedness, and so many different ways, Perpetrated Against Planetary HumanityAnd the Earth itself); and, also, in contradiction, how is that actually do NOT HAPPEN by Regions, Nations and Planet Earth itself, events or situations if they should occur (like so, so good, and various and many possible ways to be in favor of Planetary Humanity and the Earth itself, but that does not happen because over and over and over again is clogged, particularly Great-Bad guys and Grinders-Pimps of these).

Wellthe fact is thatand indistinct from what Region or Nation on the Planet alive You: Excuse You no longer have to keep ignorant of what CAN & SHOULD KNOWand excuse and neither do you have to plead "Innocent" of the which it is "GUILTY".

Further data or information on "The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program" through this Blogs: (Blog Principal, en Idioma Español) (Blog Principal, en diversos Idiomas)

Or this through E-mails:

THGM: Management of Planet Earth SHOULD Change of Hands. «Each Region or Nation of Planet Earth is a fraction of Planet Earth, and every fraction of Planet Earth is necessarily, and in various ways, and as for better and / or worse, and naturally, interconnected with other fractions gotten on Planet Earth. However, dominating and Powerful Individuals, and are themselves Very Great-Bad, working jointly with the huge amount of Pawns-Pimps who are on the payroll, and / or have other different ways, have worked, and continue working, and a wickedly contrived and artificial way, particularly Against Populations and Regions and Latin American Nations and third World in general;... and this unfavorable situation as Malignant and can be finished with the implementation of “The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program». THGM: Management of Planet Earth SHOULD Change of Hands.

Further data or information on "The Colombia Self-Sufficient Program" through this Blogs:,,,; or this through E-mails:,,

THGM: Management of Planet Earth SHOULD Change of Hands.

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